A Driving Force

Behind holistic development in rural communities in the hills

Latest Update

``Let’s create a vibrant, inclusive, and prosperous society, where every individual, irrespective of their background, can thrive and contribute to the nation's progress.``

For Youth

Enabling Education for Employment

We identify unemployed, educated youth from impoverished families and provide them with technical education in esteemed institutes, opening doors to better employment opportunities.

Youth Engagement and Well-being

We engage the youth in cultural, sports, social, and environment-friendly activities, nurturing their talents, and promoting their overall well-being.

Empowering Farmers

We empower farmers by imparting advanced training in agriculture, horticulture, and animal husbandry, enabling them to increase their income and transform their livelihoods.

Vocational Training for Rural Youth

We offer vocational training to rural youth, equipping them with diverse skills for employment in various trades within their own villages.

Creating Social Awareness

We actively raise awareness among communities about the perils of societal evils, such as drug addiction, alcoholism, and tobacco consumption, fostering a healthier and safer society.

Enabling Education for Employment
Youth Engagement and Well-being
Women's Economic Empowerment
Women's Empowerment
For Women
Women's Economic Empowerment

We focus on empowering rural women by providing them with training in various cottage industries, enabling them to supplement their family income and foster financial independence.

Women's Empowerment

We focus on empowering rural women by providing them with training in various cottage industries, enabling them to supplement their family income and foster financial independence.

For Environment
Promoting Greenery and Sustainability

Through extensive plantation drives, we strive to spread greenery and preserve the natural environment, ensuring a healthier and greener future for generations to come.

Promoting Social Harmony

We work towards building awareness against anti-social and anti-national activities, fostering unity, and strengthening the social fabric of our nation.

Holistic Development

Our overarching goal is to bring about holistic development in society, with a primary focus on rural areas, where sustainable progress can transform lives and uplift communities.

Promoting Greenery and Sustainability
Promoting Greenery and Sustainability